Frequently asked questions:
What is Reef Flux and how does it work?
Reef Flux is a fluconazole-based reef treatment for topical and systemic fungal fish diseases.
Will Reef Flux harm my saltwater fish or invertebrates?
Reef Flux is reef safe for fish and invertebrates as long as it is dosed correctly.
Can Reef Flux affect my nitrates and phosphates?
It is possible that Reef Flux can raise nutrients as it treats your tank, especially if there is a Bryopsis or Caulerpa refugium. This is why it is a good reason to use filter socks while treating fungal fish infections with Reef Flux.
Does this seem like a lot of packaging for 10 capsules?
We received feedback from stores while developing Reef Flux, and many had shoplifting concerns with smaller packaging sizes. Another issue is that for legal reasons there is necessary information on the label that needs to be legible. As a result the packaging size was adjusted to fix any concerns.