The Trident is an automated testing system that regularly tests alkalinity, calcium, and magnesium in your saltwater aquarium — and then communicates this information to your Apex so you can get alerts, and change your dosing. When combined with the DOS (available separately) it creates a fully automated system for the proper dosing of supplements, maintaining them at consistent levels.
- The trident will automatically test your aquariums water for the 3 of the most important elements Alkalinity, Calcium, and Magnesium
- Up to 24 Alkalinity tests per day with +/-.05 dKh precision
- Up to 12 Calcium tests per day with +/-15 ppm precision
- Up to 12 Magnesium tests per day with +/-15 ppm precision
- ~7.9ml sample water used per parameter tested
- ~7 minutes testing time per parameter tested
- Up to one month of testing before reagents need changing based on base level testing of 4-Alk, 2-Ca, 2-Mg per day.