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API General Cure Fish Medication

API® GENERAL CURE fish remedy treats a wide variety of parasitic diseases including velvet, hole-in-the-head disease (Hexamita spp. & Spironucleus), gill & skin flukes (Dactylogyrus & Gyrodactylus ). For use in both freshwater and saltwater aquariums. This fish remedy will not color the aquarium water. Size: 10 packets, 30 oz Instructions For each 10 gallons of water, empty one packet directly into aquarium. Repeat dose after 48 hours. Wait another 48 hours then change 25% of the aquarium water and add fresh activated carbon or replace filter cartridge.
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E.M. Erythromycin Fish Medication

API® E.M. ERYTHROMYCIN Fish remedy helps broad spectrum treatment and control of bacterial disease, such as body slime, mouth fungus, Furunculosis (open lesions and swelling), bacterial gill disease and hemorrhagic septicemia (blood spots without sign of skin damage). For use in both freshwater and saltwater aquariums. Can be used with any API Ich, fungus or parasite remedy to help prevent secondary bacterial infection. This fish remedy will not color the aquarium water.   Sizes 10 packets, 30 oz.
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Polylab Medic Reef Safe Marine Ich Treatment


The world's only reef safe ich treatment for marine fish

What is Medic?

Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to de-pollute water in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against: Marine Ich - Crytpocaryon irritans, Freshwater Ich - Ichthyophthirius, and Marine Velvet - Amyloodinium ocellatum. Features
  • Completely reef-safe
  • Buffered to maintain physiological pH
  • Does not harm invertebrates
  • Does not harm nitrifying bacteria
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Reef Flux Fluconazole Treatment For Bryopsis Algae

The single most effective treatment against Bryopsis algae Reef Flux is a fluconazole treatment that is effective against certain fungal fish infections. It contains no fillers or additives and is lab tested for purity. A notable side-effect of fluconazole is that it is extremely detrimental to bryopsis algae. Previously known as Algae Buster, Reef Flux is an aquarium fluconazole treatment that is effective against fungal fish infections. To avoid unintended nutrient spikes it should not be used in tanks with refugiums that have Caulerpa and Bryopsis. Directions:
  • Turn off skimmer for first 3 days, and remove activated carbon and any chemical filtration for the duration of treatment. GFO and Phosban can remain in place since the media only removes phosphates.
  • Empty 1 capsule for every 10 gallons of tank water (20mg per gallon) into high flow area in the sump. After 14 days perform a minimum 30% water change. Do not overdose. Filter socks are recommended during treatment in order to help clean the aquarium.
  Contents: 10 Capsules Active Ingredient: Fluconazole 200mg per capsule.
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